Welcome to Malayna's website!  I wanted a place to share with others her passion for writing and a place to preserve her stories.  You will find original short stories and poems with her earliest writings when she was 5 years old.  Her love of writing was sparked by all the wonderful books that was read to her from an early age.  I kept her writings exactly as she wrote them and made very little changes, so you may see some (very few) grammatical and spelling errors.  As she gets older, she can look back and see how she's progressed.  I hope she keeps writing and who knows, maybe she'll want to have a career in writing someday!

Malayna is currently 7 years old and in her second year of homeschooling.  You can find out more about homeschooling and my philosophy under Homeschooling.  Had I not read so many books to Malayna, I doubt she would have been as interested in reading or writing.  I truly believe in the power of books and can't stress enough how important it is to read aloud to your child every day (especially books above their reading level).  I realized this when I read Charlotte's Web to Malayna when she was just shy of 5 years old.  Near the end of the story when Charlotte dies, I was taken aback by Malayna's profound sadness as tears rolled down her eyes while she silently sobbed.  How a book can evoke such a strong emotion in a young child shows what an impact it can have.  Imagine the possibilities!  Although she is very fluent in reading, I still continue to read to her every day and I plan to continue well into her teens. 

Please read, read and read to your child even after they are reading fluently.  They will thank you for it!

****I will update this website as she continues to write, so feel free to come back anytime****